Cheat codes Type at the 'communcation' line (F8) and press Enter to activate. FREESPACE Level warp SPANIARD Wipe out all robots GODZILLA Make one robot in the level indestructible MEGAWOWIE/MEGAWOWIEZOWIE Turn the effects a bit gnarly GOWINGNUT Make the guide bot go insane LPNLIZARD Make nearly all your weapons home in on a target ALMIGHTY Invulnerability ALIFALAFEL Stuff BITTERSWEET Psychedelic walls (fish eye view) PIGFARMER Erm, try it out GABBAGABBAHEY See what happens! HELPVISHNUResurrect guide bot if he's been killed, or create another one ROCKGRL Full auto-mapping DELSHIFTB Destroys reactor, moves ship by exit, toasts all robots, and gives you all items in level! FRAMETIME Display frames per second HONESTBOB Demo weapons DUDDABOO Bounce weapons IMAGESPACE Turn off robot firing SILKWING Make robots shoot each other WILDFIRE Rapid fire BLUEORB Gives you a shield power-up